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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Super Size Me Part 2

1. How many times a week do you eat at McDonalds or other fast food restaurants? Do you ever think about whether what you are eating is healthy? Why or why not?                                                                                                                                                                                           Ans: I eat fast food about once a month and i dont think about health when I do.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2. What do you predict will happen to Morgan’s health at the end of the month? Do you think he will remain in perfect health?

Ans: No unless she has salad every day. I think she will become big and fat because micky ds has no good affect on your body.

3. In one scene there is a shot of a McDonalds inside of a hospital. What do you think about that? Do you find it normal, funny, strange, or sad?

ans: I found it very sad because this is a place is a place for sick people not for fast food.

5 secrets

Here are the 5 secrets of the factory farms.

1. They feed the animals antibiotics so they could produce more meat.

2. The cows sit in their own poop.

3. when we eat that food it causes us to get sick and maybe even get cancer.

4. they feed baby cows cow blood

5. Last but not least they give human growth hormones in order to make them healthy when it is actually making them sick.